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 IMPORTANT NOTE: This is NOT a directory of individual mental health professionals. There are already great resources and directories out there for that purpose. We don't want to be redundant!  Those organizations are included below.  Our resource collection will ALWAYS be a work in progress. We rely on YOU, the community for updates. We hope that you will share resources that have been helpful to you, and continuously update us if any info is wrong on this list.  Also, it's important that you understand that this list should NOT be considered an endorsement of any particular organization, service or facility. Project Proactive does not have a formal vetting process and we rely on our community to share resources that have worked for them. 
We do not have a system in place to make referrals (although we do try to be helpful whenever possible). User discretion is advised.  



(369) Why be so extreme?

(369) Why be so extreme?

** REMEMBER TO CLICK "SUBSCRIBE" TO BE NOTIFIED OF FUTURE POSTS ** REMEMBER TO FORWARD THIS VIDEO TO INSPIRE OTHERS! CHECK OUT THESE OTHER SOURCES OF 'TP' CHIZUK AND INSPIRATION FROM AVI ** THE 'TP' WHATSAPP BROADCAST ** To be added to my whatsapp broadcast and receive tons of chizuk & inspiration (NOT JUST VIDEOS) simply whatsapp a request to: 718-902-6666 ** THE 'TP' PODCAST ** Another great feature is the PODCAST WHICH HAS A STEADY STREAM OF AMAZING CONTENT! After you choose the ‘app’ that you want to use to hear the podcast remmeber to click ‘FOLLOW’ to be automatically notified any time I add new content! ** THE 'TP' APP ** Download your very own ‘TP APP’ and have instant access to a full encyclopedic library of thousands of hours of audios and videos and more!!! FOR WINDOWS & ANDROID: FOR APPLE PRODCUTS: ** THE 'TP' WEBSITE ** ** Inspirational LIFE-ALTERING books by: @vi ** Enjoyable for the whole family!! GPS: NAVIGATION for YOUR SOUL! (Topic: Life Challenges!) CPR: RESUSCITATION for YOUR SOUL! (Topic: Shabbos!) Available at all fine Jewish bookstores and online: ** ABOUT 'TP' ** - TWiSTED Parenting is a method developed by Avi Fishoff to guide parents of children in "Stage 4" crisis. - Lessons should not be applied across the board or without proper hadracha. - Avi personally trains and guides parents from all over the world in his Crisis Center. - - All parents under Avi's guidance in the Crisis Center must have their own Daas Torah involved to pasken any shailos that arise. - Avi has hundreds of haskamos of Gedolim. - All services are free of charge. IF YOU ARE IN THE ABOVE CATEGORY YOU CAN CONTACT AVI AT: 718-902-6666 אבי פישאהף מדריך מאות משפחות כבר מעל 20 שנה כל השירותים של אבי הם תחת דעת תורה וחינמיים לגמרי כדי לקבל את החיזוק היומי שלחו את הבקשה שלכם בוואטסאפ למספר: 718-902-6666
Understanding Sexual Addictions and Moral Incongruence with Yankie Greenberger, LCSW

Understanding Sexual Addictions and Moral Incongruence with Yankie Greenberger, LCSW

Because Sex & Pornography addiction is highly stigmatized and not regularly spoken about in many faith based communities, we are often left without the proper education about what addiction really means. What is the difference between curiosity / normal exploratory behaviors and addiction? How does shame contribute to this problem? What can we do as a community to support this common challenge? This #mentalhealthmonday (originally aired on January 13th, 2020) Yankie Greenberger, LCSW discussed the roles of pornography use and sexual addiction as it relates to religiousness and moral incongruence. Yankie is an expert Trauma and Addiction therapist as well as one of the premier adolescent therapists in Chicago's Jewish community. He has served as the clinical director of two community organizations which has collectively impacted well over a thousand individuals and families. In recent years, he has focused his clinical work specifically on trauma utilizing EMDR, Attachment-Focused EMDR, and related approaches. He has also completed the intensive Certified Sex Addiction Therapist training through the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP). Project Proactive is a nonprofit organization that works to educate the community, raise awareness, normalize the conversation, and break stigmas surrounding all things mental health. In order to further these goals, @project_proactive hosts weekly live interviews on Instagram with various mental health professionals, organizations, and people who have important stories to tell. Follow us on Instagram to find out about upcoming topics or to get more involved. You can also find more resources on our website,
Boundaries & Honoring Our parents with Esther Schwarz LSW, MSW and Rabbi Shais Taub

Boundaries & Honoring Our parents with Esther Schwarz LSW, MSW and Rabbi Shais Taub

Esther Schwarz LSW, MSW and Rabbi Shais Taub went live in Instagram together to discuss a very misunderstood and highly sensitive topic, "What does Honoring your Parents Really Mean?" In the Jewish Community, halacha (code of law) can be interpreted in so many ways and if not looked at by the right person and with the right lens can be "misdiagnosed". Rabbis, like Doctors, have specialties. They also cannot give proper advice without knowing the full picture and often knowing family background is crucial to paskening (giving direction on the law). Knowing how to ask the question is also really important. Honoring parents is considered one of the hardest mitzvot in the Torah and often has mental health implications attached to it. Kibud Av V'Eim is easily misinterpreted as "listening to your parents". That is NOT what it means. Knowing what your obligations REALLY are is the key to success. Watch this video to find out more. Rabbi Shais Taub is a noted speaker, author, and columnist, who serves as scholar-in-residence of Chabad of the Five Towns. His talks and classes may be seen on . Esther Schwarz is a Holistic & Spiritual Psychotherapist focusing on Inner Child work and utilizing Trauma Informed Therapy and Narrative & Somatic therapy. Her practice is in Toms River, NJ and she is available for speaking engagements. Project Proactive was honored to be asked to record this live. Thanks Esther for your continued partnership!
Digging for Gold: The Power of Storytelling with Eli Nash

Digging for Gold: The Power of Storytelling with Eli Nash

Everyone has a story to tell. Stories connect us. Stories make it easier for others to be open with their own stories. On March 25, 2019 Eli Nash, co-founder of Mic Drop, joined us for #mentalhealthmonday to share his story and empower others to dig for the gold in their own story. Eli shared his inspirational story of growth and healing from trauma using the power of storytelling and learning to create meaning in struggle. "There's an amazing shift that happened inside of me when I began using my story to influence change, inspire others and be a part of creating the world I would like to see... When we are able to create something positive from our experiences, it provides meaning to them. The greatest healing in the world is meaning. The experience of being abused suddenly meant something; it wasn't some random event that I needed to spend the rest of my life feeling sorry for. Instead it became an event that I look back at that was very purposeful and intentional. I was chosen to make a change for others in this one area of life." - Eli Nash Project Proactive is a grassroots volunteer initiative to build community, raise awareness, normalize the conversation, and break stigmas surrounding all things mental health. In order to further these goals, @project_proactive hosts weekly live interviews on Instagram with various mental health professionals, organizations, and people who have important stories to tell. Follow us on Instagram to find out about upcoming topics or to get more involved. You can also find more resources on our website,

PROJECT PROACTIVE is a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 84-2410920
aiming to break mental health stigmas and proactively alleviate barriers to health through spreading awareness and education.


*DISCLAIMER – The information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. There has been no formal vetting process for information shared on this site and readers should consult a professional for any questions or concerns regarding their health. These resources should not be viewed as a substitute for obtaining professional council.

Click here for full disclaimer and terms of use

Since we are a startup and powered by volunteers, our databases remain a work in progress and we rely on people like YOU to help us stay current.
Please e-mail us at to share resources, ideas, or to submit a blog post. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.



Project Proactive Canada operates as a separate entity and has it's own projects and initiatives.


© 2019 by Project Proactive. 

Big shout out to Bitmoji for inspiring our vibe.

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