Are you a teen or young adult looking to get more involved in mental health awareness? Do you want to become a leader within the Jewish community? The Proactive Ambassador’s Program is the perfect program for you!
You will meet new people who share the same passion as you. You will gain the necessary tools to spread awareness and de-stigmatize the conversation surrounding mental health. You will create your own unique project to accomplish your goals. You could make the world a better place. You could be the change.
(And thanks to generous donors and volunteers, this program is completely FREE OF COST to you!)
WHO is it designed for?
High School and College students who are looking to make a difference and change the conversations and stigmas surrounding mental health.
WHAT is this program?
Joining like minded individuals together to create change through establishing monthly goals and developing initiatives that can be brought to communities around the globe.
WHERE will the meetings occur?
Completely virtual.
WHEN does the program begin?
Launch Date:
October 18th 2020
Monthly meetings (1 hour)
Monthly podcasts
WHY should I join?
Educate yourself & others.
Gain leadership skills.
Accomplish your goals.
Actualize your potential.
Pursue your passion.
*If you are not the right age, but are still interested, please email and we will find a place for you!
Completely virtual.
Click on the images below to learn more.

Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Q: Who is the Project Proactive Ambassador program meant for?
A: Anyone who wants to be involved in spreading mental health awareness, community outreach, helping others, etc. We’re looking for people who believe in the cause and want to be a face of the organization in whatever form they choose.
Q: What would be the time commitment of being an ambassador?
A: There are going to be 2 monthly meetings: one for all the ambassadors to update on where they are holding on with their goals and the other will be a program or speaker.
After that, everything is done on your own time (with assistance as needed). Whatever you choose to be your form of advocating for the mission will be what you’re going to work on throughout the month. We’re going to work with you on creating practical and realistic goals to work towards. The time commitment is really dependent on your commitment and drive.
Q: What is the application process?
A: After a person fills out the application, they are going to receive an email within a few days with time slots for an interview. After the interview, they will receive a letter regarding their acceptance status.
Q: What are some of the initiatives I can do as an ambassador?
A: There are all different things available as well as the option to come up with your own way of doing things. The idea is to do something that can make a difference and there are all different ways to do that. Our goal is to help you find the way you’re most comfortable with and work from there. Some of the options that we have are:
Public Speaking
Social Media
Community Events
Q: What are the benefits of being an ambassador?
A: The biggest benefit of being an ambassador is having the structure, resources and assistance in taking action in something you believe in. Along with that, some other benefits are getting to hear from specific speakers throughout the year, a community of like minded people working towards similar goals, and, of course, swag.
Q: Can I still apply mid year?
A: Yes! Acceptances are on a rolling basis. Anyone who joins after the initial September meeting will receive a video to watch that will give them the information needed to join the program at that time.
Q: Does this program cost money?
A: The Proactive Ambassador program is completely FREE to you. As of now, it runs solely on volunteerism and donations!
Q: How can I be a part of funding this program?
A: Click the green donate button below. Be sure to make a note that your donation should go directly to this project.